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What intrigues me? intro to research paper

Today Jonathan introduced the research paper we will have to write for Unit 2. Research paper 3000 to 4000 words (from introduction to conclusion) 1. Title (question)

2. Abstract (summary - 300 words avg) 3. Keywords (3 to 5)

4. Introduction (400 words)

5. Main Body (2400 words)*

6. Conclusion (400 words) 7. Bibliography (Harvard system) example - comparison between the work of two artists or two approaches: artwork 1 - 800 words

artwork 2 - 800 words

compared through a chosen lens - 800 words

WHAT QUESTIONS AM I INTRIGUED BY? I went back to my previous posts. There is a lot around perception and materials. I like the idea of investigating around perception in art. I read quite a bit of aesthetics books and papers and this subjects fascinates me. I am also interested in deepening my knowledge in neuroscience. They both feel very cerebral, I don't know if it's the way to go for me. I'm already deep inside my head all the time. How about looking at artists whose work is sensorial and experiential? Or art that involves other senses other than sight? This needs some more reflection but it is intriguing indeed...I'm excited about this new phase of the course!

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