The desert is alive and moving. This series of pictures focuses on anthropomorphism, the human tendency to attribute human characteristics to objects, animals or, in this case, landscape. Through this work I try to portray the stories, spirits, and fantastic creatures that inhabit and embody the desert. Going through the shoot, I found myself in front of potential limbs, faces, nudes, skins of otherwordly anthropomorphic creatures.
Some of them are self-standing, but I would like to play around with collage and composition to see how these stone giants move and interact. Still a work in progress, but worth sharing. I used temporary titles inspired by Western/Greek mythology. I would like to research Arabic mythology and rename them.
Mix of analog and digital photos.
Narcissus - analog print (also in digital)
Achilles/Pieveloce - analog print (also in digital)
The Kiss - digital print
Nymph #1 - digital print
Time - digital print
Untitled - digital print
The Past - digital print
The Future - digital print
Icarus - perfect for my collage/composition experiment. Look for a suitable head/s (Maybe "The Future" above. Make x3 prints and compose them on the wall)
Venus #1 - digital print
Mother #1 - digital print
Mother #2 - digital print
Mother #3 - digital print
Untitled - digital print
Untitled - digital print
Untitled - digital print
Untitled - digital print (also in analog)